Monday, August 27, 2012

Blown Up Cover

Barely 2 weeks after the debut of this song, covers are blooming here and there. Having trouble to decide which one's better.

Meanwhile~after 2 week its the start of a next sem again, yep, all over again.
Well, cant say i make much progress on my journey on music theory though no thanks to goofing off here and there the entire holiday XD, aside from getting a few chord theories down (CAGED system etc) i'm still having trouble figuring the notes on the guitars. it just seem so much easier with piano, but on guitar, oh no, its a pain in the ass -__-.
Wonder how they can just pick up and play any tune in their head, must ve take years to do that-
to play the instrument like its their own vocal cord ~o~.

Just hope everything goes well from here.

Rock spirit~