Thursday, May 30, 2013

May It Turns Out Well

hey all..may is coming to an end
and thus like any month it demand an issue of its own..
as promised...
and it is a fast month of outings and celebrations also signals the end of another sem of academic life.

what comes after this is the inevitable internship and FYP
and then there's two more sem to go, followed by yet another split road after that.

So how's  this sem for me.....hmm..

let's say i've learnt to trust and let those things that we cant control to flow on its own and hope for the best

To be honest..
sometimes.. we all hope that the people around us are mind readers isnt?
to be able to understand us without the need to explain yourself.

for me..I'm not really a big fan of verbal self defense..
and...i think its probably due to two reason..

the first case being that, as a boy from the down town
as i plough through the years in college
i realized that there so much more to learn and so many thing to get used to before i'm rdy to face the world on my feet.

Or in short, i wanted to be less "Blur" @-@ on daily basis haha.

this is why i 'm always open to critics and abrasive comment.
I listen and listened
and i know that whether or not to accept them is entirely up to me
so there is no need for me to be defensive when someone deliberately swing a couple of low blow on me
its just funny for me everytime that happens
thanks to my natural  安全感 haha =)

And the second reason is that....
i also trust the people who care about understand me as i am.

and the reason i prefer to use the term "people who cares about me" over "friends" is that..
i m not those people who makes lots of 'Hi... Bye.." friend

For me, friends are not only for you to find when you re bored and wanted to have a night out or a day out.
friends are someone...who is..

-there for you- (oh, the cheesiness level is too damm high)

its not that i will demand a lot from my friends.
I' m just talking about how i see the term -friend
Its just that, when i makes friends.. like a fool...i always give my holding back..
and because of this.. i became really vulnerable. like really really vulnerable

Its only in the recent years that i realized this pattern of mine..o.0

And since then i've been trying to adopt a more light hearted approach in meeting new people.
And i cant really tell how it turns out, but its certainly takes less effort to make more 'friends'
but how many of them are those who counts anyways? that you can pour yourself to? =)

I personally don't mind about the need to have people to count on, as i don't really like to trouble other people for my business anyways =/
But its always breaks my heart me to see people who once shared so many good times with us, becoming almost a stranger when we finally met again some time later.

But then i figured...if among that the people i cared about if i manage to find a few that also cared abt me as i do to them then it would be well worth it. dont you think? =)

So..for those people who i really care about.
Know that i will always be there for you. Alright?
I trust you to know even without me telling you. okay? haha^^

Because seriously, i have no idea how to tell you also lor..-o-

Good night!
next update will be on the internship! so stay tuned


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